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Week 6 _ Tutor Feedback

Tutor Feedback

Week 6 has been scheduled as a review period. We had each been given time slots throughout the week to have a chat with our course leaders about how we think our work is coming on and general thoughts on how the year has started and ask any questions regarding the course. My meeting was scheduled with Mike Kelly. I told Mike that I am getting on well with my project and have practically finished and all that needs doing is Importing everyone's assets into the pub scene and to fix the lighting effects in UE4. I also expressed how happy I was with my work flow this year, and how much easier I'm finding the course this year, largely because I have learnt a lot from the first year. Now I actually feel like I have earned a place in the second year of Game Art. Mike asked me if I have had any problems regarding the group I was put in. Truthfully I feel like the whole group has been great. I feel from setting up a Facebook group chat, the constant feedback from the group has been amazing. As a group we had discussed and assigned the assets, given ourselves a tri count and have kept each other up to date with one another's progress.

Film Room Project.

Over the weekend i have realised that the side door i have created has a frosted glass effect on the windows and doors. This is alot differnet from my original glass texture, used from the pint glass material. For the side door asset I had real trouble trying to replicate a 'frosted' glass effect for the windows. I realised that instead of trying to replicate it best I can with one basic translucent material on unreal, I should instead use the time to create an albido map instead. since there is a pattern on the window where it is translucent I knew I had to create a mask and link it to the opacity to create the desired effect. I do think that using an albido mask worked really well to replicate the effect but I would have liked to of learned how to recreate an actual frosted glass material.



The project has now end and our Film room is ready!

Here is the Matinee out group has produced. the project brief had specified that the video had to only be 12 seconds long. But I will hope I can put together a slower version to show off more of the assets at a closer glance.

Beauty Screenshot:

My Teams 3D Representation:

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