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FMP - Post-Mortem

My initial thoughts of this project was to design and create a set of 3 characters that are in the same universe. I also wanted to increase my knowledge with Zbrush and 3ds max. Throughout the projects I had notice that I am far more confident in modelling with Zbrush than I used to be in previous projects.

The project proved very difficult at times, especially with the rigging process. Once I had made the characters and textured them I began to start rigging, using various videos on the internet, but I could not link the biped's with the meshes. Then I realised that i could just use the online service called Maximo. This is a tool that allows me to auto-rig my characters. This is however not a perfect solution as the skin weighting of the character can be distorted through the process, therefore I edited the weighting on the meshes to allow them to bend with the biped more easily. This did also have an effect on the drapping cloth on my third character.

I have really enjoyed making all of my characters and the whole process has taught me alot and hopefully I can keep progressing and keep getting better.

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