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Week 16 - Second Character

This week I have designed my second character. The aim of the second character is to be opposite from the first. As my first character 'Silk Cut' is all about a spy/ hit-woman I wanted to keep the other one in the same universe as the other and make it so as they could possible interact or even had a back story together.

Here is a video of my character creation using my Ipad.

I wanted to make an opposite to the stealth nature of the character and make this one more open. with expensive shiney armour and bright lights.

I really like this colour variation but i wanted to make sure I had the right one, or if there were any better cominations. In the end I chose my original colour variation because i think the red paint on the armour really contrasts the bright green.

And here is my final concept for my main charcater which I am going to model. I think out of the two characters I would prefer to make the Silk cut character as I want to know i can 3d model the basic female figure, rather than making a hard edge robotic like suit. And I do think this character is more interesting because I have thought of a nice back story.

The platform for the character would be an action adventure sandbox game similar to Assassin's Creed or Grand Theft Auto. The character would have free roam to complete side missions within the city and take on gangs to uncover more about the death of her family.

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