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X-mas Break! With Work!


Over the Christmas break I have kept myslef busy buy learning and using about Blueprints on Unreal engine 4. At the start of the project when I knew I had to eventually use blueprints I was really looking forward to it as I had been told the whole system was like the 'logic' system within the game Little Big Planet. Here is an example:

I understand now where the comparison comes from. At a first glance I thought the new area of the program looked very complicated, so I have watched a lot of tutorials and found the University seminars to be very helpful and helped me understand the program alot more and has made me aware of more of the function I can use in Unreal Engine 4.

The blueprint system has so many tools and functions that I need to learn in order to understand the whole project. I have had loads of problems with making my blueprint, ie. simple errors and issues with the sentry gun model from 3ds Max to UE4.

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